Hůlkárna How to choose How to use the cane

How to use the cane

Walking canes are perfect tool for people who need light to medium support while walking.

Walking cane can lighten approximately 25 % of body weight.

Always use the cane on the healthy side of body. That means if you have troubles with your left knee, use the cane in your right hand.

Correct height of the cane is really important. Your arm should be just slightly bent, not streched! If your cane will be too long, you will bend your arm too much which will be followed by pain in your wrist or shoulder... If your cane will be too short, your back will hurt...

Your index finger should follow the body of the cane downwards.

Your body has to be straight during walking with the cane.

We always recommend to ask your doctor about using a walking canes.

Correct posture